“Your call is important to us.”

Have you ever gotten lost in “voice mail hell”?

Have you ever wondered why you have to wait so long for someone to answer your phone call?

Here’s one example of a very upset customer:

“Dear America West
I know my call is important to you, because you’ve now told me that every minute for the 48 minutes I’ve been on hold. Freakin’ amazing.”

The telephone is the least expensive and most effective marketing tool yet invented. Still. Better than the internet, better than direct marketing. In my opinion. Whenever there is a challenge to a client relationship, or a “close” to be made, I say pick up the phone and call.

Don’t abuse the phone; don’t make your customers wait. Focus first on how your phone is received and perceived by your potential and current customers/clients; then do the same thing for your reception area when they come into your office. And, then, go through the same analysis for you and your staff … Ask yourself how you would feel if you received the same treatment. And, most important, ask your clients!


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