Category: Videos

LawBiz® Legal Pad: Controlling Clients’ Legal Costs

Ed discusses how to estimate future costs by listing your assumptions.
Most clients don’t complain about hourly rates; they complain about the totality of their legal costs.  In order to control legal costs, one help is budgets.
How to estimate future costs: List your assumptions and make sure the client understands these and also provide for change-orders if any of these assumptions prove to be erroneous. That’s how you keep the costs down and that’s how you keep the client satisfied.

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Developing your practice and business will always be a priority.  This week, Ed shares tips about how networking can help you do this.

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LawBiz® Legal Pad: Trust Accounts

What responsibility does a lawyer have when a financial institution fails and a client’s trust money is held by the financial firm?
Ed Poll answers this question as he talks about Trust Accounts this week.

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LawBiz® Legal Pad: Why Marketing Matters for Lawyers, Part 2

Ed shares some thoughts on electronic marketing and offers ideas on how traditional marketing can help you stand out in the crowd.

-You are more likely to be remembered, thus contacted, if you reach people on a personal level.

-Differentiating yourself will lead to increased :
–calls by clients and prospects
–calls from the media
-And most importantly:

More money in the bank.

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LawBiz® Legal Pad: Why Marketing Matters for Lawyers, Part 1

Factors to Consider When Marketing You Firm:

-Have a Marketing Plan
-Consider the commonality between you and prospective clients.
-Play the Numbers Game
-The more people you can get in front of; the better the chance of someone engaging you.
-Build a quality referral sources
-Understand that people learn differently
-Connect with other professions who share your market

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