Delinquent Taxpayers – Beware

The State of California has a new tactic for encouraging payment of its sales and use taxes.

The Board of Equalization, the tax collecting authority for California, will make available as a matter of public record, each quarter, a list of the 250 largest sales and use tax delinquencies in excess of $100,000. There is an exception to the publication if there is a dispute connected with the tax assessment.

Sex offenders must publicly register; their whereabouts, therefore, are known to the general public. Forget about the concept that they’ve paid the price to society by serving time in jail; they forever more will be marked and tracked. Interesting that sales tax offenders may be treated in similar fashion.

Should we expand this idea to include income tax evaders?  Will this encourage timely payment?

Too bad we can’t do this with our delinquent clients who fail to pay our bills.  It’s unfortunate that the rule of confidentiality prevents us from publicizing laggard clients. Clever lawyers should be able to develop an alternative approach.  See my book for several ideas to help you collect your fees without difficulty in the future.


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