Legal Tech Show

The opening keynote for ALM’s LegalTech Show set a dramatic tone for the balance of the day and, I suspect, for the balance of the show currently in New York.

David A. Thomas, deputy assistant director of the FBI.

Several factoids were of significant interest. For example, he said there have been over 100 million pieces of data stolen in the last few years.  The greatest threat for industrial espionage is from insiders and the second greatest threat is from recreational hackers.

There is a great deal of money at stake. Spammers can earn $400 to $700 thousand dollars per month! That’s why spammers are still in business. 

China has more people who speak English as a second language than there are in the United States who speak English as their first language.

The most sobering statement, however, was that the agency has the responsibility of weighing the danger of danger to us requiring protection against our heritage of privacy and civil liberties set forth in our Bill of Rights. Privacy vs. Protection. That is a serious equation and dilemma.  Who monitors the monitor?


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