Lawyer rating

We’ve spoken about lawyer rating services before. In one such post, we even mentioned the opposition one State raised about one such service.

How would you like to be a doctor and rated by several such services?  Check out,,,  There’s a lot of “rating” going on these days.

Also, check out what your State Bar is doing about placing more, unwanted, information about you on their member websites. California Bar, for example, recently adopted a provision that will compel lawyers to notify clients if they (the lawyer) don’t carry malpractice insurance … and this information will be posted on the California Bar directory in the membership records segment that is open to the public. Other information, such as if there has been a complaint (not a conviction!)against the lawyer will also be posted. (Note that according to the Bar, about 8% of all complaints are dismissed or the lawyer is found to be innocent of the charge – but the posting will remain on the internet!)  Big Brother may, in fact, be watching.


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