Twitter beginning to slide?

Some lawyers are beginning to leave Twitter.

I started with Twitter several months ago and within 48 hours received 2 invitations to speak at conference, one on the West Coast and one in the Northeast. Beyond that, I haven’t seen any revenue generated, but I have made connections with folks whom I value.  Is it worthwhile? That depends on your metric for success. For revenue, no, not yet. For connections and an avenue for quick conversation, I think so (at least that’s my current thinking. And I know a number of folks who swear by Twitter.

The problem with all of this social media is that the human body needs no further inducement to hunch over … we’ve tried for so long to stand tall, straight. And being hunched over to look at our portable screen takes us back to our origins … and takes multi-tasking to an entirely new level of understanding.

What has been your experience?


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