Ed shares some thoughts on electronic marketing and offers ideas on how traditional marketing can help you stand out in the crowd. -You are more likely to be remembered, thus contacted, if you reach people on a personal level. -Differentiating yourself will lead to increased : –calls by clients and prospects –meetings –calls from the media –meetings -And most importantly: More money in the bank.
-Have a Marketing Plan -Consider the commonality between you and prospective clients. -Play the Numbers Game -The more people you can get in front of; the better the chance of someone engaging you. -Build a quality referral sources -Understand that people learn differently -Connect with other professions who share your market
Pop Quiz! When do you get rid of client documents? A) As soon as the case is over B) 2 years after case is closed C) Never. Watch this week’s clip to hear Ed’s answer…
The real reason that clients refer their law firms is because they are satisfied with the service they receive. Good client service is responsible for about 46+% of all referrals.