Tag Archive: employment

Is your website a “retailer” under ADA?

Target is. How long will it take for a law firm to be considered a "retailer"? Will size matter?

The Court, in the Target case said "… a retailer may be sued if its website is inaccessible to the blind, stating that the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination in the "enjoyment of goods, services, facilities or privileges… Until this ruling, commercial websites were not considered a place of accommodation and were assumed to not fall under the Americans with Disabilities Act…"

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Hire for attitude

Alan Weiss, a noted consultant (and my coach) said today:   "… I’ve never seen happy customers when there are unhappy employees (either naturally unhappy or angry at the employer). I have seen happy employees and unhappy customers (no supervision, lazy, entitled). Always hire enthusiasm, you can teach the content.(emphasis added) … And make sure you demonstrate within the business the behavior you’d like to see bestowed on the customer. .."

Another way of saying this is what I’ve always preached:  Hire for work ethic; hire someone who is passionate about their work, about making a contribution to the organization. and about focusing on the client, not themselves. The rest can be taught. Skills can be taught, attitude cannot.

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