Tag Archive: tolerance

Men to Match the Majesty of the Mountains

During a respite from driving, and Paula picking up the chore, I had the opportunity to talk to a bar executive about a forthcoming presentation that I will do for his bar in a couple of weeks.  I commented that I was learning about our country from the ground level. From the people I have met, and the discussions we’ve had after a presentation for lawyers, and conversations in RV parks and elsewhere, I have learned how much we have in common. If you don’t talk about politics and religion, we’re very similar.

Then, suddenly, it hit me. What we lack is tolerance!  For some reason, the intolerance some people have for others is what keeps us apart and what stirs the pot of hatred. We need to remember that reasonable people can differ … and we need to retain the personal engagement despite the differences. Yes, hard to do but necessary for our survival as our country becomes more densely populated and with peoples of so many varying cultures with one goal in mind: to share a bit of the "American Dream."

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