Networking is not net-resting

See MayItPleasetheCourt. Craig Williams, in his web log, talks about diving not being the same as floating. While he didn’t intend to take the metaphor further, he reminds me that networking is not the same thing as netresting.

In order to be effective in networking, one must work … work the room, work the rolodex, work the telephone, etc. in order to meet people and let them know what you do. Only when they know what you do can they make a choice to have you work for them.

Building a field doesn’t mean, despite the film, that baseball players will come to play. Unless you let folks know what you do, they won’t know they may benefit from having you represent them. Give them a chance to know you … Give them a chance to include you in their list of options. They just may choose you to be their lawyer!


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