Coaching Helps Women Advance

McKinsey & Co. released a report stating that ‘inadequate career development has kept women from reaching the top rungs of the corporate ladder…" The same is true in law firms who correspondingly have low numbers in top management.

The report said "…companies need to spend more time coaching women …"  Corporate America understands this; when lawyers learn to understand this, they will become better lawyers.

The coaching process works for athletes, works for top executives in Corporate America; and works for others who want to increase their revenue and decrease their stress. A side benefit of great importance an increase in one’s self-esteem. Lack thereof is one of the greatest impediments faced by most professionals, probably because our standard is "perfection." I know no one who is able to reach that standard. Coaching can show us how important "progress" is without worrying about reaching an impossible level of perfection. Having someone walk the plank with you who understands these issues and can enable you to progress is important. As with an athlete, having a coach can be the difference between a very successful practice and a modest practice. 


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