LawBiz® Legal Pad: Personal Injury Case Financing: Income or a Loan?
Ed speaks about the financing from a personal injury case.
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Ed speaks about the financing from a personal injury case.
Ed makes suggestions about what to consider when approaching the end of your lease.
Ed discusses the factors that influence collection success.
Client selection: you have to get the right client.
You must understand the wants and the needs of the client.
You have to get confirmation of the arrangement between you and the client in writing.
And, check the client’s credit.
Ed talks about creating a bond with the client to achieve client loyalty because your revenue is a perishable commodity.
Ed notes that poor client service is responsible for 63% of clients leaving their law firm. contributor Linda Popky has 10 Tips for Promoting your Services, which Ed shares with you today
Ed discusses the virtual office and the importance of face-to-face client contact.
Ed advises how to prevent the loss of your largest client from being devastating.
Commentary about when and how a lawyer can represent both defense clients and plaintiff clients on the same issue.
What’s the difference between a Successful Lawyer and a Challenged Lawyer? They’ve both got lessons to learn. Watch today as Ed teaches some of the most important ones.