Today’s LA Times astrological forecast fir Aquarius says:
"As long as you’re on a personal improvement kick, you may as well be recording it in some fashion. Blog it…. "
So, it seems we now have permission from the heavens to blog, to share and to collaborate. Let’s blog!
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Blogs by and for lawyers have arrived, or said slightly differently, have reached the "tipping point." After all, if the establishment, American Bar Association, can create a directory of blog/blawgs, right on the home page of its Journal, then we’ve arrived. And, I’m pleased to say that LawBiz Blog has received mention in this listing.
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It seems that the argument about the distinction between law as a business and law as a profession hasn’t yet died. David Bilinsky shares a comment about a new book by David Slayton, entitled Lawyers Gone Bad: Money, Sex and Madness in Canada’s Legal Profession.
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BlawgWorld 2007 is a free eBook featuring "77 thought-provoking essays from 77 of the most influential blawgs."
I’m pleased to say we were included.
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Amber Dance, an LA Times staff writer tells us that the “… laser printer sitting on your desk could be emitting high levels of potentially hazardous particles …” according to a study published today. “Some printers released almost as many ultra-fine particles as a smoldering cigarette, the study authors said.”
“‘Particles have been shown beyond any doubt to be a health hazard,’ said study author Lidia Morawska, a physicist at Queensland University of Technology in Australia.”
HP LaserJet and Ricoh fared well in the study. But HP, for example, had non-emitters in eight HP LaserJet 4050 series printers, while having high emitters in their LaserJet 1320 and 4250, “which, when printing, increased the particle number in the air more than tenfold.”
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We’ve gone live today! This is our first post with our new design.
For those who’ve been following my writing … and seen our earlier design … I’d welcome your thoughts and comments.
And for those who are coming to us for the first time, I’d welcome your thoughts on our new design as well.
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The New Hampshire Bar Association Ethics Committee, in May 2007, wrote an opinion or (my term) "white paper" as part of its ethics studies on closing a law practice.
It’s a good summary of factors to consider, though certainly not complete. And, since the date of this opinion/white paper, the Supreme Court of NH has approved a new set of Rules of Professional Conduct which include Rule 1.17 explicitly permitting the sale of a law practice in NH for the first time.
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Rule 1.17 was adopted this month in New Hampshire, effective January 1, 2008. It’s rule 1.17 provides, as does the ABA Model Rule 1.17, that an entire law practice, or an area of a law practice, can be sold. (Thanks to Bruce Dorner for the
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For those following our Airstream adventure, we’ve got a few pictures for you.

Also included below is a shot of a couple of our grandchildren who spent a night with us at the rally.
We went to our second rally, a rally of other Airstreamers … felt almost like a law firm retreat … with as many different agendas as usually appear in such retreats! This retreat, however, focused on the social conviviality of the attendees … it was more like getting to know your partners at the retreat than seeking to gain consensus on a serious challenge to the firm..
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Press Release:
Immediate Release July 26, 2007
Edward Poll, principal of LawBiz® Management Co., spoke at the Silicon Valley Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators about disaster preparedness on Thursday, July 26th in San Jose, CA.
Poll, the author of the new publication, Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Planning for Law Firms: A LawBiz® Special Report, discussed ways to get law firms to plan for recovery in order to assure their business continuity in the event of an otherwise debilitating catastrophe, whether natural or man-made.
Poll said, “The issue for most of us isn’t if a disaster will occur, but rather when a disaster occurs, what should we do in order to recover quickly and effectively.”
In response to a question from the audience, Poll said “… that no recovery plan can succeed without the involvement and support of the top management of the law firm and all its stakeholders such as the principal lawyers, associates and staff.” Statistics show that only 30% of businesses hit with disaster survive after 5 years of the event.
Michael Hirsch, former FEMA Deputy General Counsel, said “This publication provides excellent guidance on how to develop plans to prepare for and respond to all types of catastrophes … Such planning can be critical to the ability to survive following such events.” The new book is the most comprehensive collection in one place of ideas to help plan for and then deal with a disaster when it occurs.
Michael Hirsch, continued “… I highly recommend it (this book) for attorneys and law firms as a basic document on how to be prepared to respond to and recover from disasters.”
Ed Poll is a leading authority in the field of law practice management and the Principal of LawBiz® Management Co., a firm that consults with and coaches lawyers and law firms throughout the United States, England, Australia and Mexico. Poll is a Board Approved (SAC®) Coach to the Legal Profession, and a charter member of the Million Dollar Consultant’s™ Hall of Fame.
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