30% of ID theft occurs through lost or stolen wallets, checkbooks or credit cards.
Moral: Check your belongings frequently, especially your credit cards.
50% of all ID theft is perpetrated by friends, neighbors, employees, family members or relatives.
Moral: It’s always the folks who are close to us who have access to our personal information and, most importantly, our trust to be in a position to take from us.
It takes 40 hours on average for a victim of ID theft to clean up the mess.
That’s a lot of angst and incredible financial loss (multiply your hourly rate by 40 to know the number.
Approximately 11% of fraud cases are caught via credit monitoring reports.
You’re entitled to a free credit report from time to time. Check it regularly to be sure your credit is still intact.
ABA ETHICSearch just published a memorandum concerning the closing of a law practice.
In addition to mentioning our book, Selling Your Law Practice: The Profitable Exit Strategy, the author cites several articles and ethics opinions that provide a broader perspective on the topic, including the ethical responsibilities of retiring lawyers and departing lawyers
I recently interviewed the business development manager for the legal market for Adobe
We talked about their new edition. His comments, I thought, were very interesting … and merit consideration for the upgrade if you’ve already got an earlier version. I understand that there were some challenges in version 7 that have been eliminated in the new version.
The interview is scheduled to be featured here —- look here on Monday —- and on our web site.
I encourage you to listen. Adobe is more powerful now than ever before … Adobe seems to be quite satisfied with the quality of their new version 8.
I’d welcome feedback on anyone’s experience with the new version 8. Contact me.
Fee problems lie at the feet of lawyers, not clients. In this podcast, created by the Canadian Bar Association, Ed Poll discusses how lawyers can protect themselves and increase their realization rate for increased cash flow.
Ed takes a “Fresh Look at Fee Collection for Lawyers.”
Technology has been cited as the cause for many things … from landing on the moon to winning a war. And, of course, technology has been blamed for many ills in the world … from overcrowded airwaves to cell phone use causing traffic accidents to crowded mail boxes, e-mail that is.
Now, a new book by Tom Wheeler, "Mr. Lincoln’s T-Mails: The Untold Story of How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War," suggests that President Lincoln used the technology of the 1860’s to win the Civil War.
IOMA’s Law Office Management & Administration Report features an article about year-end planning.
Drawing from our book More Secrets of The Business of Law®, the article suggests "… a few simple and practical tips that all firm leaders would do well to consider." (more…)
According to Jeff Davidson, Spam is 90% of all emails.
Jeff further says that Postini, a U.S. email security company, says there were 7 billion spam emails worldwide in November compared to 2.5 billion in June.
Wow! With the holiday season upon us, be even more careful than usual!
In a recent survey conducted by the Association of Legal Administrators, 54% of the responding law firms indicated they had a disaster recovery plan. (more…)
According to the current issue of Business Week, “… business intelligence is evolving from traditional business intelligence to pervasive business intelligence, which empowers everyone in the organization, at all levels, with shared and aligned analytics, key success indicators, alerts, and feedback mechanisms. … (more…)
DuPont, if not the leader, certainly is getting most of the press about this hot issue. In a recent Business Week (September 18, 2006) article, it was reported that DuPont has combined with OfficeTiger (with offices in the Philippines and India) to cut its legal expenses. (more…)