See today’s Wall Street Journal, Part D, Personal Journal:
There are two kinds of people getting email: The Hoarders and The Deleters!
Hoarders keep every email, judging their self-worth by the number of their retained emails.
Deleters get rid of most of their emails, wanting a very clean electronic environment.
Embezzlement in law firms in not so uncommon, as noted by Tom Collins who reports the following:
"As a CPA that worked with businesses of all types before founding Juris, Inc.,I can say that I have never encountered a single case of embezzlement outside of the legal community and found it relatively commonplace among law firms. There are several factors making law firms more susceptible to misappropriation of funds—part-time executive management, absent or weak financial management, inadequate internal controls, high volume of pass through disbursements, decentralized approval and signing authority plus a tradition of deadline or crises driven transactions.
Larry Bodine relates his success story for marketing / business development coaching. Getting paid only $24,000, his efforts helped a firm increase their billings by $1 million. Congratulations Larry … and congratulations to the firm for their understanding the value / benefits of coaching. (more…)
A recent Juris, Inc. survey of midsized law firms disclosed that partners in the top performing 25 percent of these law firms earned twice the income of the next twenty five percent and more than 7 times the per partner income of the bottom twenty five percent.
Hugh Q. Gottschalk, an attorney in Colorado, leads us in yet another perspective on alternative legal services pricing. He also discusses understanding the cost of your services, budgeting for litigation and structuring the actual fee agreement with a client.
These discussions should be considered in light of the “reasonableness” of legal fees… and most importantly, how the lawyer can deliver quality services at a price that will produce a reasonable profit for the lawyer at an acceptable price to the client.
Alan Weiss, noted management consultant, also known as The Contrarian(r), has negative vides about blogging: "Give it time. You can see that blogs are on the decline. There are too many, not enough time, and too much useless opinion. Rushing into any new technology or approach rarely gives you a market advantage and can sap your resources."
While I would not go so far as Alan does, it is clear that blogging is very expensive. See my earlier blog and my writing (check out the archives), where I point out that a modest time commitment to blogging will cost you close to a $100,000 per year! That ain’t cheap! Better compute the benefits you receive from blogging, that infamous ROI principle.
Good advice, from Alan Weiss, noted business management consultant: Keep serial numbers and service numbers on hard copy readily available. They do no good on your computer if your computer or monitor has failed. And you don’t want to go digging around when time is scarce.
Sometimes "paper" is better than technology, even if only as a backup.
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (September 1, 2006) – Juris, Inc. is pleased to announce its business alliance with LawBiz Management Company, a division of Edward Poll & Associates, Inc., to jointly conduct local Managing Partner Business Roundtable meetings throughout the U.S.
The Managing Partner Roundtables are an extension of the very successful “Juris Managing Partner Forum”, a group of law firm managing partners who meet annually in a two day forum to discuss critical business issues facing their firms. The Business Roundtables will extend the Juris Managing Partner Forum benefits by conducting focused monthly meetings in cities throughout the United States. Stephen Collins, president of Juris said, “Ed Poll’s experience in practicing law as a managing partner and his consulting and coaching of managing partners brings a unique perspective to the Juris Managing Partner Forum members. Also, the fact that Ed has been successfully conducting these Roundtables in Los Angeles for years allows us to leverage his experience in making these meetings valuable to participants.” (more…)
Our current issue of LawBiz® Tips is now posted. If you like our LawBiz® Tips, please tell a friend and suggest they sign up for their own future issues.
The Los Angeles County Bar Association Announces LawBiz® Management Co.
Named as a Member Benefit Provider
For Immediate Release
Los Angeles, August 28, 2006:
In a joint announcement today, LawBiz® Management Co. and Los Angeles County Bar Association announced a new relationship by which members of the Association will have access to the management skills and practice guides made available by LawBiz® and noted law practice management expert, Ed Poll. (more…)