Category: Personal Thoughts
Just received notice from Mark Kuiack, the editor of the Canadian Bar Association’s CBA PracticeLink Web site.
Mark said, “I’m writing let you know that I chose your blog as our ‘Feed of the Week’ in our Marketing section … I often refer to your site … I wanted to point CBA members in the direction of the great resources on the LawBiz blog…
Thank you again for providing such a valuable service!”
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From a news release, we have a new idea:
Professional Legal Management WeekSM (PLMW) provides a forum for recognizing those in legal management for what they do and the role they play in the success of the organization, and in its service to its clients and those who work in the organization.
The objectives of Professional Legal Management WeekSM are:
* To provide awareness, understanding and education about the legal management profession, and
* To increase knowledge of the diverse roles within the profession.
Professional Legal Management Week will be observed annually during the first full week in October:
* October 3-7, 2005 … “
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For those who want to help or those who need help resulting from the Katrina tragedy, you may want to look at
The site can be described as: “Resource of volunteers for legal technology, practice management and disaster/data recovery for any law practice affected by Katrina.”
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Robert Ambrogi mentions his recent interview with the new president of the ABA.
Seems the ABA president believes that sole and small firm practitioners really get a lot out of the ABA, despite the ABA’s high cost of entry. If that’s the case, why aren’t more of these practitioners members? I think the new president is thinking wistfully, ignoring the metrics of the marketplace. But, that’s only my opinion.
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See our August 2005 issue of LawBiz e-Zine.
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The disaster caused by the hurricane, Katrina, is actually so huge that it is impossible for me to comprehend at a personal level. The families lost, split apart or injured can only be compared, I think, with the tales of families torn apart in the American Civil War. (more…)
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IOMA, Institute of Management Assistance, publishes several newsletters worthy of consideration. I’ve benefited from many of their ideas over the years.
I’ve seen them for many years and am particularly excited now because of a recent post to their electronic magazine, Law Firm Leadership e-Report of August 17, 2005 where Lisa Isom-Rodriguez , Editor, said my blog was her favorite. This is her quote:
“My Favorite BLOG
Okay, the headline isn’t exactly fair, since there are a number of amazing BLOGs out there designed to help law firm leaders in a variety of ways. So, consider this my favorite BLOG for the month: the LawBiz Blog from consultant Edward Poll. Check it out for a range of information on financial management, marketing, and more.”
I am flattered and pleased that we received this recognition. This shows the power of blogging since I’ve had no previous connection with IOMA or with Ms. Isom-Rodriguez that would warrant their knowing about our web log. In fact, this issue was forwarded to me by someone else. Otherwise, I would never have seen it! And yet, this major publication believes that our blog is one of the best in the field!!!
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In a recent thread on a listserv to which I contribute, there was discussion about the philanthropic proclivities of lawyers – that they aren’t charitable enough. I was moved to comment, and thought you might be interested in my comments. They follow. You will note that the discussion hit a nerve for me. (more…)
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The ABA’s electronic Report discusses a new Wisconsin Supreme Court case that discards medical malpractice limitations for non-economic pain and suffering.
The reason, in part, was violation of the equal protection clause: Those with major injuries will benefit proportionately less than those with minor injuries who total compensation might come in below the cap.
This issue is huge and, in today’s world of politics, is a stunning blow to the medical community that seems to be able to have its own way in everything.
From the perspective of the legal community, it is good news for some personal injury lawyers. While many lawyers are facing a challenge to their very economic existence — see asbestos law changes, among others — Wisconsin (this ruling is State specific) lawyers at least have been given new life for the moment. The medical community will now move to the national/federal level to seek new legislation.
The reasoning of the Wisconsin court was so well crafted, though, that it may be used elsewhere. Let’s hope.
This issue is just one more example of what lawyers need to look out for in the development of their business plans: Consider “threats” to your practice from the outside world. In this case, from politicians seeking to make it less attractive for lawyers as a means of reducing litigation against claimed negligence. “Keep your eye on the ball” to make sure your practice area isn’t the next target for our erstwhile politicians.
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Thanks to Monica Bay and her ALM group, I saw one of the best baseball games ever this evening: California Angels (still can’t get used to saying the Los Angeles Angels, or the California Angels of Los Angeles — but this should make one interesting lawsuit!) VS. the New York Yankees (there is no confusion there).
6-5 in favor of the Angels!
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