Category: Videos

Practice Succession Planning

What happens to your firm when you need to retire, or during unplanned circumstances such as death? In today’s clip, Ed discusses the importance of succession planning, and gives some helpful tips to get you started.

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Tips for Increased Revenue

Ed offers 5 ways to increase your law firm’s revenue.
1. Emphasize collections.
2. Hire lateral lawyers to meet specific demands, a new practice area, a new need.
3. Leverage technology.
4. Create a cooperative compensation model that emphasizes the law firm as an institution.
5. Outsource functions that are better done by others. Delegate.

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Check Clearing Policies

Your bank will not always let you withdraw your money! Ed talks about bank check clearing policies that could affect your law firm.

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The Virtual Law Office

In this technology-driven age, a lot of lawyers’ work can be moved online. Today Ed discusses the virtualization of law offices to help you consider whether or not that move makes sense for you.

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Five Cards & Three Feet

Today Ed talks about a basic sales mantra: "Meet People! Meet People! Meet People!" He shares how Five Cards and Three Feet can help do this.

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When Leaving a Firm

How do you formulate a plan when leaving your firm? Do you make a list of contacts, or create your own forms? Today’s clip from Ed is full of helpful tips when you’re thinking about leaving your firm.

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