Tom Collins makes an excellent point: “Do you believe that law firm clients are happy to have their e-mail and phone calls returned the following day? Do you think clients are happy to deal with someone hiding behind their phone system? Would they be happy dealing with someone who places a greater priority on their own efficiency than yours?”
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See the NY Supreme Court blog posting today for a look at my recent article on the subject of paper and the paperless office.
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TechnoLawyer, in its TechnoFeature, today published my article, Why Paper Still Matters: A Contrarian View of the Paperless Office
See for more details.
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Dr. Terry Paulsen, well-known speaker on corporate change, has started his new e-zine with the following gems, among others: (more…)
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See a great post on blogging more effectively, i.e., to get more traffic to your blog site …
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Most people think that lawyers have “no life.” Being a lawyer is demanding, both in terms of skill and in terms of time spent working. Is there such a thing as a balanced life for lawyers? Is this a myth?
One law firm, Pittsburgh’s Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham LLP believes it will get more from its lawyers by demanding less.
The eyes of other law firms will be on KLNG and other such firms to see if they remain economically viable while allowing/encouraging its lawyers to take time off, become involved in other interests and, in effect, have a life outside of the law firm. (more…)
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Venice, CA
Poll suggested that the revised ABA Model Rule 1.17 currently in place achieves the appropriate compromise between the lawyer’s and the client’s interests and avoids the drafting difficulties currently being examined by the Commission.
This year, Illinois joined the list of states permitting the sale of a law practice. Oregon is the most recent state to modify its rule, following the ABA revised Model rule.
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Here’s a note from Terry Brock, a techie guru from Florida. Great advice, Terry: (more…)
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This is a comment from a listserv of small firm practitioners that bears repeating:
making it inside… (more…)
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“If your only entry point is price, you don’t get their loyalty,” Zhang said. “And if price breaks is your only selling point, there is always someone who can undersell you.” These are the prophetic words of an attorney currently competing for business in China. (more…)
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