Tag Archive: Marketing

Interesting blog statistics

From the ABA, the following are very interesting statistics about blogging:

More than 6% of the lawyer population now have blogs
More than 1.2 million blog posts daily (one more added here!  🙂
57% of lawyers read one blog daily
70,000 new blogs daily


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Does size of law firm change marketing efforts for lawyers?

The question was asked, "What is the difference in the marketing activities of large and small firm lawyers?"

To be effective, irrespective of the size of the law firm or the firm’s  marketing activities as a whole, each lawyer must establish his/her expertise to entice a prospect to become a client
. This is done in many ways including, but not limited to (the former lawyer in me just came out), writing, speaking, using the internet and sometimes advertising (in any medium that is cost effective), among other modalities. And, with this expertise, each lawyer must create a personal relationship with the prospect before he/she becomes a client.


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Communication is essential for success

Some wisdom from Tony Alessandra, author of The Platinum Rule:

"The ability to communicate well can make a critical difference in life, and especially in your career. A study conducted by AT&T and Stanford University revealed that the top predictor of professional success and upward mobility is enjoyment of and ability for public speaking. Yet surveys also show that our number one fear — even more than death — is speaking in public."

Other words of advice from FDR:  Be brief. Be short. Be seated.

Words of wisdom that are difficult for lawyers to implement. We need to learn more of this.

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Bar fails again to protect its members!

The proposed revisions to the New York Rules of Professional Conduct concerning lawyer advertising were referred to me by Lisa Solomon.

After reviewing the proposed changes, I had some thoughts, expressed below without reference to any one section. My comments are of a "macro nature," not focused on the language of any one section. (more…)

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Corporate Law Departments – What do they need?

General Counsel of Corporate Law Departments are like most clients, except that they may have less time to focus on what they want/need. They tend to be true multi-taskers, wearing several hats at one time. They are the lawyer for the company. If they are effective, they are also a trusted business advisor to the CEO and other corporate managers. This leaves them less time, perhaps, to focus on the legal side than other clients. How can we meet their time-compressed needs?


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Proof of blogging value

Denise Howell, a fellow blogger, made it to NPR. As i was driving back home this evening (Sunday), there she was!  I was interested in the topic — How Apple sought to suggest that electronic communication is not journalism and therefore not protected under the Constitution.

But, more importantly, her public pronouncements on her blog has made her a recognized expert in her field which then got re-enforced by the radio interview.

Keep up the great work, Denise! This really can show the rest of us the lighted path to success in the new era of technology …

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Can you use coupons to market your legal services?

Michelle Golden suggets that lawyers consider using coupons to attract prospects to use your services now rather than later, if at all. Sounds like an interesting idea, but you still must somehow market the availability of the coupon. Why not just let people know that you exist, what you do and why they should call you now?

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Vanity postage

According to Business Week, PhotStamps was one of the most innovative and exciting products for 2005. The US Postal Service annually receives 40,000 requests/submissions for new stamps and approves 35. However, the USPS approved a one year test for personalized stamps.


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