Category: Technology

E-Mail slides to the depths

When the Bar requires that all your emails contain a provision that emails may be dangerous to your health, technology may leave a lot to be desired. According to one Missouri lawyer, the MO Bar requires the following on all their emails: (more…)

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Employee of the month

Let’s hope you’re not known as this type of
employee of the month.

On the other hand, this does show MS’s employees going anywhere and everywhere to handle customers problems.

So, like many things, this may be just a matter of perspective … Yours or the Clients!

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Internet censorship

The Congressional hearing members are asking the executives of major companies like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, et al., why they are altering their business practices in China? Why are they censoring their practices and delivering otherwise confidential information to the government, practices they do not do in the United States, Europe or elsewhere … just to get more business?

One representative raised the spectre of dealing with Hitler in the 1930s and 1940s.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Moral: Technology may be the “new guy on the block.” But, it is still management that controls and uses the technology … and the ethics and morals of management always must be reviewed.

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Typist reality still lives!

There actually is someone out there who still knows about typing!
Follow up note to my earlier posting and the Los Angeles Times article:

Mark D. Gershenson reports to me that the PaperPort software has a “typer” feature that lets you easily fill out a form on your computer. You get the form into your computer by scanning it in, by having it faxed to your computer, or by downloading it in .pdf format. You can also fill in forms that are in .pdf format using the free Foxit .pdf reader, even if those forms were not set up as “fillable.”

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Do you still know what this word means? Does anyone still “type” on a typewriter? Some people don’t even use word processors anymore, they are fixated with Blackberries, PDAs and “tablets.” What a generational issue this may be!

So why is the Los Angeles Times writing about typewriters?

See the article to find out more … and, in case you choose to only skim the article (see below), you may be interested to know that the owner/”typist” of the business in the article is a Lawyer. And, in point of fact, his business is just “down the street” from mine. (more…)

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Word Perfect vs. Word ….. again

I recently responded to a comment on Technolawyer, suggesting that WordPerfect is still a powerful word processor. And the argument that our clients use Word is no longer sufficient to migrate to Word. We work with WP, save as an .rtf (Word) or even better, a .pdf file. Then send that file, all the while having created the document in WP.

… this is one response to my comment:

“I just had to say Bravo for your succinct comments on WP v Word. As a WP advocate who does not “get” Word and finds it anything but intuitive, your comments made the most sense of any I’ve heard. It’s a cost benefit analysis. And like you, I can readily convert from one format to another when the need arises. I also try to send out everything as a secured PDF regardless, as I don’t want others to mess with my documents.”


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Wanting remote access?

Are you wanting remote access while on the road, away from the office?

I just came across this review in PC Mag. It is a great comparison of the benefits of each of several options.

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