Tag Archive: Personal Thoughts

Books as eyes to your soul

Justin Patten talks about those books of 2006 that he considers to be the best.  And yesterday, I listened to Charles Jones, a well-known speaker, say that asking someone to list the 10 books that made the most impact on their lives will tell you more about them than anything else can.

While I’ve heard others say something like this, I never sat down to make such a list. Yesterday, I did.

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Airstream teaches another lesson in law firm economics

Years ago, when I was a new associate in a small law firm, I suggested that the firm spend money for something, the exact nature of which I don’t recall at this time. I do remember, however, that the managing partner was not the least bit concerned. His exact response was that I could not spend enough money to worry him; he was more focused on bringing new business to the firm and if my expenditure had a chance of doing that, then he was o.k. with spending the money. There didn’t have to be a guarantee of success given by me. One new client would more than outweigh any amount I could spend, he said. (more…)

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Cost of Fear is Huge

FDR said "…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."  And now we have a price tag on our fear.

Business Week reports on a survey by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and CFO magazine. The survey states that our response to terrorism by S & P companies alone costs more than $100 billion per year!  This number includes cost of insurance, redundant capacity as well as lost revenue from patrons decreased activity.

Law firms also pay a heavy price. Ignore the technology cost of increased capacities and redundancies. Some of these costs are legitimate defenses against natural disasters which face us daily. But, other precautions result from "terror" against lawyers from disgruntled clients in what is becoming an increasingly hostile world.

What a price to pay when you have to have security in your office such that everyone must first show identification, and be cleared by the law firm, before you get on the elevator to go to the law office,  when buildings search the trunk of your car before you park, and when you have to empty your pockets and open your brief case before entering the courthouse!  The terrorists have won, when so few have caused so many to change their course of activity.

Yet, in terms of deaths, other causes produce so much more disaster and we seemingly are oblivious to them.  There is something wrong with this picture. 

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Travel tips

Top 5 travel trends for 2006, according to one source:

1.   Printing boarding passes before leaving home. Most airlines now allow 24 hours advance check-in via the internet. Helps adance to security check-in more quickly when you have only carry-on baggage.

2.   Using luggage shipment services. I first heard about UPS doing this. Now, there are some 17 such services that will take luggage from house or office directly to your hotel room. Sure makes travel easier, though more costly.

3.    Focusing on one hotel group. With hotel chains growing by merger, this becomes easier to do … and the loyalty points that one accumulates results in increased perks, freebies and customization.

4.   Showering at the airport is a nuance I have yet to see. But, I’m told that elite airport lounges do provide this. For a weary traveler, this might be just the difference needed.

5.   For the international traveler who flies business or first class, and can’t sleep sitting up, check the international carriers who are providing lie-flat beds with blankets or quilts.

On the one hand, it’s becoming more difficult, stressful and expensive to travel. On the other hand, there are new and pleasantly creative features that are cropping up for the business traveler. 

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Airstream Saga – Good News

Lessons learned for law firms:
•    People change only when there is a reason they see in their self-interest
•    You must find what is in their self-interest
•    Candid discussion is required to learn the agenda of each participant
•    Agreement can be achieved, sometimes with the result that everyone gets what they want
•    Discussion is an on-going requirement for successful team efforts
•    There needs to be one leader at a time, a managing partner, who needs to achieve consensus for a following.  While managing partners have great leeway, they need to remain connected with their colleagues to remain the leader. (In this political season, there are many analogies.) (more…)

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Millenials will make a difference

According to Business Week, the Millenial Generation (13 – 25  year old folks) are civic-minded and socially responsible. 61% said they feel personally responsible for making a difference in the world and 75% said companies should join them in this effort.

What difference will these facts make in and to your law firm?  Quite dramatic, I would think.

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Airplane air is “dirty”

USA Today reports today that Boeing’s Dreamline 787 will have better cabin air when released in 2008. Until then, we have to suffer air that makes passengers dizzy, fatigued and induces headaches.

Did you know that today’s cabin air comes from the plane’s jet engines? The new 787 system will draw air from the outside. The outside air is cold, dry and clean at cruising altitude, according to the article. But, we can’t have that until 2008!

25% of the current U.S. commercial fleet does not have special air filters that remove most dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses. While we get little protection in the other 75% of the fleet, we get no protection from this 25%. So, if you get sick after leaving your flight, you may not have to look further than the airplane that transported you to your destination.

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Airstream Saga continued – Test run

If I didn’t see it before, I’m beginning to understand the universality of life. Lessons I’ve learned in business also apply in my personal life, and vice versa. Thus, as my wife and I begin to travel the road in our Airstream trailer, I’m seeing how the lessons I’m learning also apply to the effective running of a law office.

Rather than compel you to read this saga in order to learn the lessons I’m seeing as we begin our new adventures, I’ve decided to list the lessons first. Then, if you want to enjoy the saga, read on.

OK, so what are the lessons to be learned for the law practice. After all, why else would you be interested? (more…)

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